Windows 3.0 Solitaire Solver and Player
A reverse engineering project that solves the classic Windows game, offerring a guided or automatic mode.
This project was part of a course I took in Spring 2022 on Computer Security. During the course of this semester, we focused on a range of security concerns, ranging from the classic buffer overflow exploits, to executable packing. For the final project, we were given a range of topics to research, one of which being reverse engineering. The task was to reverse engineer the Windows 3.0 binary for Solitaire, a popular card game included with the operating system, and develop a program that could read the game's state from memory using what we learned from our reverse engineering efforts, and play the game automatically and win. The program should work for an unmodified copy of Solitaire, meaning that modifying the binary itself would not be allowed.
In planning this project, we recognized the project would include many distinct components. We highlighted the following subtasks that would be required for such a solver to exist:
- Using reverse engineering tools, such as IDA64 and OllyDBG, we would need to research how the binary internally stores the state of its game.
- Using either Windows API calls or libraries that make these calls, we would need to develop a method of reading the game's state programmatically and translate the raw data into a format that would be compatible with a solver algorithm for Solitaire.
- We would need to research decision-making algorithms for Solitaire and develop our own that could solve the game within a reasonable amount of time.
- As part of the project requirements, we also need to develop a GUI application that would guide the player through what moves would be needed to solve the game.
For the four project members of this group, we also would need to consider the technology stack required as well. A language such as C would give us direct access to the Windows API calls needed to reverse engineer, but the task of creating a GUI application would become much more difficult. A language such as JavaScript would make creating a GUI trivial using Electron, but we would lose access to the ability to make C library calls. Ultimately, the best balance for our purposes was Python, both because of the existing familiarity within our group, and for the range of libraries available, including Windows API calls, good selection of data structures in the standard library, and notably, a number of GUI toolkits.
With our subtasks identified and a natural delegation of tasks, here is the following that was achieved with this project:
Reverse Engineering and Reading Game State
In our reverse engineering efforts, we expected to find a specific byte location in memory where the game's state was stored, and we could hardcode that specific location to be read by our program, however, we quickly realized the game's state was not always in the same location. Instead, we discovered that before the game's state began, there was a specific byte pattern that always appeared, and could not be found anywhere else in the game's memory. This is likely some other data related to the game's state, but we could use it as a reliable marker for the location in memory. Therefore, as a result, we knew to look for the pattern, which always appeared 32 bytes before the start of the game's state.
In order to programmatically read the game's state, we used the Pymem, which is a series of tools to manipulate Windows processes. Notably, this library allows us to read the game's memory state when it launches, and search for a specific byte pattern. In doing so, we could read the game's 52 cards in 12-byte segments. With some translation, we could convert these 12 bytes into a format readable by a solver algorithm.
Solver Algorithm
We already knew from prior experience that not every game of Solitaire is able to be solved, and from research also confirmed that solving Solitaire is an NP-Complete problem. Because of that, we would need to place a limit on how many moves we would want to search for before giving up. Like a lot of decision problems, we recognized that solving Solitaire closely resembled the structure of many path-finding algorithms. Therefore, our group utilized a similar strategy using a queue and recursive backtracking to find a solution.
Our algorithm analyzes its current state and loops over all of the possible moves that could be made, peforms that move, then calls itself recursively. After the recursion ends, if the solution was not found, the moves are undone and we proceed to the next possible move.
Solver GUI
The GUI toolkit of choice for this project was DearPyGUI, which is a Python binding for the popular C++ toolkit named Dear ImGui. Using some of the layout tools available, I created a window with cards laid out in the same manner as the game. For each move produced by the solver, the GUI will highlight the specific card in its current location in the game and outline the spot that the card must be moved to. There are "Next" and "Previous" buttons to allow the user to move through the move list.
In addition to a guided solver, we also were able to include a proof-of-concept for an automatic solver. For this component, we would bypass the need for a GUI solver algorithm, and have our software play the game directly. For this, we utilized the PyAutoGUI library. Our initial plans were to use this library to perform mouse inputs to play the game, however this proved to be quite complicated, as the exact locations to drag cards to would vary on a number of different factors, including how many cards were in the pile at the same time. We realized partway through development that the game actually could be played solely using keyboard inputs, specifically the arrow keys and the enter key. Because of that, we were able to develop a solving algorithm that translates an arbitrary move provided by the solver algorithm into keyboard inputs that would be needed to perform the move in the game. As a result, the automatic solver can play the game much faster than a human would be able to input the moves manually, essentially automating the entire process of winning Solitaire.
For this project to be done, there were a number of moving pieces that needed to fit together in order for the software to function. This project tested many aspects of our Computer Science education, from OS API calls, to algorithm development, and even some UI design.
This project was completed for the purposes of a course in Computer Security, therefore the source code cannot be distributed publicly.